Supporting Widespread Systemic Change: Black Voters Matter Fund

The Black Voters Matter Fund’s primary goal is to increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities. By fighting for active voting, the Fund allows a deeply marginalized community to determine its destiny. 

The Fund is by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who said, “Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” 

The Black Voters Matter Fund works to help Black voters across the US through the following avenues (via the Black Voters Matter website):

Voter Registration: Increasing voter registration and turnout is an essential aspect of building power, but this is just the beginning of the Fund’s work. 

 Policy Advocacy: The Black Voters Matter Fund advocates for policies to expand voting rights/access, including expanded early voting, resisting voter ID, re-entry restoration of rights and strengthening the Voting Rights Act. The Fund also advocates for policies that intersect with race, gender, economic and other aspects of equity.

 Organization Training and Development: The Black Voters Matter Fund helps development infrastructure where little/none exists. This work includes staff training, candidate development and network development.

Several people holding up signage in support for Black Lives Matter and Black Voters Matter. Photo Source: Black Voters Matter

Several people holding up signage in support for Black Lives Matter and Black Voters Matter. Photo Source: Black Voters Matter

Why the Black Voters Matter Fund?

We’ve chosen the Black Voters Matter Fund as one of our partnering organizations because we believe that boosting Black voter turnout in elections will affect positive change in the United States. By empowering Black voters to not only go and vote but to enable them to believe in democracy, Black Voters Matter Fund can create immeasurable change for a group that has been consistently left out of the American narrative.

Links and Resources


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